Friday, May 31, 2019

Martin The Warrior :: essays research papers

MartinIn a time of danger A time of smart The mouse was a stranger The mouse was strong He showed the cats With help from some bats How to behave He showed his pain, anger, and strife The creatures were thankful As a matter of fact He was honored for not entirely a life But for many years to comeThe novel, Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques, is a tidings about a young mouse warrior named Martin, son of Luke the Warrior, a mouse that fought sea rats, One day, after the murder of most of his tribe (including his wife), Luke set drag in to have his revenge against Vilu Daskar, the stoat pirate responsible for the massacre. Before he left, he gave Martin his sword, which had been handed down through their family since Lukes own grandsire lived. This book is about how Martin travels through a land full of moles, squirrels, and other woodland creatures which talk and walk upright. Martin goes around meeting creatures from all different lands and asks them to conjunction his army to fight a tyrant who is keeping knuckle downs in his fort, Marshank. The plot of this book is how Martin and his friends fight the tyrant, Badrang, to free break ones backs. The main idea of the book is how and why Martin and his army fight the tyrant. When Martin was captured as a slave for Badrang the Tyrant, he was furious. Not only did the evil rat steal his fathers sword, he beat and mistreated all of the slaves horribly Devising a plan, Martin frees himself and two of his friends from the Marshank, the slave camp bromegrass the mouse and Felldoh the squirrel. Bromes sister, Laterose (Rose for short) and her companion Grumm the mole all set out with Martin and his friends to go assume help from their hometown of Noonvale. Unfortunately, due to the seas conditions, Martin, Rose, and Grumm get separated from Brome and Felldoh. The two strings of the story carry on and tie together at the end Martins group eventually reaches Noonvale, where he returns to Badrang to get his reve nge, and Brome and Felldoh join the Rambling Rosehip Players, a bunch of happy-go-lucky animals that made the hardships less hard, and also get to the slave camp. The ending is tragic, and whenever I read it I get depressed. Martin, in the end, retrieves his sword from Badrang, and succeeds in killing him, but Rose, who he has become very much attached to, tries to help Martin in killing Badrang, but only ends up getting killed by him herself.

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